In our industry, January is statistically one of the most at-risk months when it comes to health and safety incidents. Winthrop Technologies‘ commitment to ensuring everyone who works with us goes home safely, every day, inspired our “Strong Start to 2024” campaign in order to defy that trend.
Over the past month, each week was designed to tackle a different topic. Week 1 focused on “Let’s Get Back in the Zone“, reiterating the core principles of safety following the holiday period and regaining that crystal clear focus on safety.
Week 2 was our “Line of Fire” focus, showcasing the importance of always being aware at work, ensuring that anyone on any of our projects is always prepared, in terms of awareness, equipment, and tools.
The following week, we also highlighted the mental health impact of the new year, including Blue Monday, providing tools and resources as well as working with our partners at the Lighthouse Club to have 24/7 support available for anyone who needs it on any of our projects.
Finally, to close out the month, we made sure to reemphasize our SLAM procedure. SLAM (Stop, Look, Assess, Manage) is a four-stage method to minimise risk in an easy to track and rationalise format. It is a core part of day-to-day safety and risk management for both workers and management.
Although our “Strong Start to 2024” is coming to a close, our focus and commitment to safety and risk management in every aspect of our projects remains as strong as ever. As the year continues, we will be holding additional campaigns to maintain and build on our sterling safety record!